What is Affiliate Marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing strategy that involves you (the Affiliate) actively promoting and connecting business' products, services, or sites to customers. You, as the successful affiliate, are rewarded a commission when a sale has been transacted with each and every time. Affiliate marketing is pretty simple: it’s where you promote other people’s products or offers and get a cut or commission of the sale or action.
Here is the Best Affiliate Marketing Guide ever guide me now

Types of affiliate marketing There are two basic types of affiliate marketing: Cost Per Action (CPA) and Cost Per Sale (CPS), also known as Pay Per Sale. Technically CPS is a subset of CPA since a sale is a type of action. But marketers usually keep them separate and assume CPA refers to actions that are not sales, and CPS refers to sales
1.CPA marketing; CPA marketing is a very different beast to CPS marketing. You are just trying to get people to take an action, like complete a form, join a website, or fill out a survey. The reward is, therefore, lower but the conversion rate is higher CPU marketers aren’t, therefore, interested in building up long-term relationships with their audience. They just focus on driving massive amounts of traffic and improving their conversions until they achieve profitable campaigns and then scaling them up even further.
CPA marketing is something I’m interested in but is not discussed at the moment. If you want to learn about it, Read more

I focus more on CPS marketing, which gives a cut or commission of the sale. so that’s what I’ll be talking about for the rest of this guide.

I think affiliate marketing is probably the best strategy for people looking to make money online.

4 Reasons to Start an Affiliate Marketing Business

1. It’s a Cheap Business for You to Start Doing Your Thing

➛There are virtually no start-up costs.
➛You don’t have any goods to store or produce.
➛Indeed, you don’t even have to develop services.
➛You can start by choosing how you wanna play  the game

2. You  Gain Professional  Independence(you will get the time and financial freedom)

Why is affiliate marketing the best thing for you?

➛You are your own boss!
➛You decide your own hours.
➛You can work from home, cafés, beaches.

Well, wherever you’d like, as long as you have an internet connection. You can also earn as much as you want if you happen to be good enough and put an honest effort into it. 

One poll shows affiliate marketers can earn anything from thousands to millions of dollars yearly 

3. You’re Selling What You Want

➛ Your integrity and honesty can remain intact.
➛Nobody’s forcing you to work with people you don’t like, or to push products you don’t believe in
➛ You can create and shape your career on your own!
➛ I encourage you to work only with brands you respect, promoting products you.. personally value. Because it’s easy to sell something you like, as you don’t have to lie or create what isn’t there!

4, Quickly Earn Money

You might have already monetized your blog with some ad networks. Just think how much you are earning through it in some given amount of time. Apart from a few ad networks, the payout is very less. But using affiliate marketing, you can earn $0-$100+ on a single sale only. This is one of the good reasons why every blogger should start affiliate marketing. No doubt it is difficult to redirect your visitors to purchase or sign up for a service. But if you have decent traffic then it is not much difficult.
 how to work as an affiliate? There are low barriers to entry – you don’t need a product, a company, employees, inventory, or even a website  You don’t need to worry about customer support. The commissions are high, especially on digital products. And there are lots of types of products, offers and channels to focus on.
There are some disadvantages, of course. You are relying on other people to choose the products and set the pricing – those are totally out of your control. You are continually referring your audience to other people’s products, rather than your own products. Which makes it a tougher process to build up trust and authority. But I still think overall it is an excellent choice for new (and more experienced) internet marketers.
Step 1: Pick a niche
The first step is to pick a niche. This is actually a very important decision since all the other steps flow on from this one.
The good news, though, is that there are lots of niches, and many of them are profitable. Some of them are huge and very profitable – such as those in the “big three” of Health, Wealth and Relationships
Before picking one of those though, I would consider “sub-niching” down and specialize a bit further
For example, rather than just being about “wealth”, this blog is about making money online through blogging, SEO and affiliate marketing. There are other wealth blogs about the stock market, personal finance, cryptocurrency, and so on.
Step 2: Pick a content platform
The next step is to choose a platform to promote your content. The three main choices are written content (for which you would choose a WordPress.org blog, video content (start up a Youtube channel),..etc

 I would personally choose a blog or a Youtube channel, of course, you now need to publish content on that channel. The more content (and higher quality content), the better. 

For example, I started this blog by setting myself a formidable 100-day content challenge: to publish one blog post every day for 100 days. At the time of publishing, this is article number 97 of 100! You don’t need to commit to something that extreme, of course. But you do need to focus and publish a good amount of good content. Your initial objective is to build an audience and build trust and authority with that audience. That will get you a long, long way. Some people will tell you that all you need to do is drive traffic to an offer.

Rubbish! If that was true, anyone could buy $100 of solo ads, rinse and repeat, and instantly scale up and make a fortune.

Sadly, that’s not how this business works. People are only likely to buy from those they know and trust. So start building up that trust! The best way to do that is with powerful content.

Step 3: Choose your products and services to promote

As you are publishing content and establishing yourself as a thought leader and influencer, you will also need to be choosing products and services to promote. I like using a mix of both. I promote some products that I have bought and used, such as The Audience Tool kit. These low-ticket items are great because they have a low cost of entry, they have a lot of reviews and testimonials, and they appeal to my target market.

Obviously Warrior Plus and JVZoo are marketplaces focused on the Internet Marketing / Make Money Online niche, but there are other marketplaces such as Clickbank or Share-A-Sale that offer a wider variety of offers. Clickbank has more offers than you would be able to promote in a lifetime, in any niche on the planet! (Woodworking? Stand Up Comedy? Battery reconditioning? It’s all on Clickbank!) But don’t forget that you can promote services, too. By that I mean some kind of tool, that people need to do a job, and that usually has a recurring commission. Common examples are web hosting, 
auto-responders, and click trackers. So you could promote Them.

There are two important factors to always keep in mind when choosing products and services to promote, however.

1, Don’t promote crap – ever!

Don’t promote anything you wouldn’t use yourself, have used yourself, or wouldn’t want your name associated with. I used to use Mailchimp and it wasn’t very good so I never promoted it. I then switched to GetResponse and I love (it’s great!), so I use and endorse it wholeheartedly!

2, Only promote things that relate to your niche

If you work hard to build up an audience in the male fitness/bodybuilding niche (which is a pretty good one by the way), then don’t promote Make Money Online products from Warrior Plus to them – even if they are good! They’re just not interested in that. Just like the Make Money Online crowd aren’t interested in bodybuilding supplements.

Pick a niche, focus on it, and offer good quality products and services to them. Simple!

Step 4: Drive traffic

Definition: Website traffic refers to web users who visit a website. Web traffic is measured in visits, sometimes called "sessions," and is a common way to measure online business effectiveness at attracting an audience. you need to think of all traffic as being either free or paid. And you probably want to use a combination of both. Free traffic is free (duh) but is usually slow and hard. It actually isn’t really free, it costs time instead of money. 
Paid traffic costs money but is quick. If you’re starting out, I would recommend more of a focus on free traffic. Paid traffic can be tricky and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can lose a fair bit of money and not have much to show for it. So I would start off with building up free traffic from some or all of these free good sources:


SEO is the most work but the most powerful. Pinterest is the least work but the traffic you get isn’t very powerful (it has a high bounce rate and a low dwell time). Facebook is somewhere in between.

Step 5: Follow up with your audience

You need to not only build up an audience but follow up with them too. The best way to do that is by email. So you should be not only publishing content and building up trust with your audience but collecting their emails and emailing them too.

Don’t worry about emailing them too much. Once or twice per day is actually fine! As long as your emails are entertaining and have value.

Step 6: Take action over and over!

The big theme here is to take action – even if it is imperfect. You need to take courses to learn these affiliate marketing skills, but you will also learn by doing. So get stuck into it!

Affiliate marketing has a low barrier to entry and costs almost nothing to get started. And along the way, you will learn dozens of skills that are enormously useful in today’s digital economy. So what are you waiting for!
I hope you found this article helpful and inspiring. I hope you can see that affiliate marketing is not some mysterious magic or suspicious scam. It’s a set of simple business practices with simple actionable steps that you can take, starting right now. The ball is now in your court! Are you still stuck or unsure? Please let me know your questions or concerns in the comments, and I will answer them as soon as I can!
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