Unless You Make This Change To Your Website IMMEDIATELY, You Could Be Sued, (Even Extorted)


Unless You Make This Change To Your Website

IMMEDIATELY, You Could Be Sued(Even Extorted) 

For Thousands of Dollars Very Soon!

People All Over Are Losing A Ton of Money Because of

 This. But, I’m Going To Show You How To Make Sure 

It Never Happens To You AND How You Can Turn This 

Into A True Six Figure Income!

Hey, Ifiok here,

If you are doing any type of business online that requires you to have a website, then you need to pay very close attention to what I’m about to say.

Because right now, there are individuals who are losing a significant chunk of their bank accounts because they are ignorant of a certain set of compliance laws that their websites need to abide by.

And I’m almost willing to bet that your website(s) fall in the same category.

I’ll share more about that in a moment, but first...


Their Ignorance Cost Them 10’s of Thousands of Dollars... Are You Next?

It’s sad because website owners are being targeted and sued for a law that they are ignorant of. But as you’ll soon see, ignorance of this law is no excuse. Frankly speaking, if your site(s) don’t line up with this law 

correctly, you could have to tap into your nest egg or retirement fund...if you 

have one.

And if you don’t? Well...may there be mercy on you.

Just take a look at some of the people who discovered this the hard way...

​It’s Only A Matter of Time Before They Catch Up To You.


And When They Do? It’s Game Over

In short, you need to be ADA compliant. Because 

authorities aren’t messing around one

 bit. If you think it’s a game, let me assure you 


it’s not. Everything is coming under 

scrutiny. Websites, apps, and pdfs included. All of

 these are susceptible to lawsuits and 



​So Why Should You Invest In ADA Comply Today?

There are so many benefits to having access to ADA Comply. After you get access today,

 the only regret you’ll have is that you wish you would have had access sooner.

   For example, you’ll be able to:
  •       Avoid Nasty and Costly Lawsuits That Suck Your Bank Accounts Dry
  •       Rank Higher In The Search Engines With Less Effort
  •      Service and Profit From the $650 Billion Disabled Market With A Capital ‘B’

This Is Great For Freelancers Who Want To Travel The World And Get Paid.

If you’re like most freelancers, you love having freedom. Some freelancers just want to travel and see the world. Live life on their own terms.

That’s why tapping into ADA Comply will be great for you. You could use ADA Comply to help businesses and do it from anywhere in the world. Just a couple of clients a month 

is more than enough to support a traveling lifestyle.

Plus, you only have to spend about an hour setting everything up! Then it’s back to the 

life of freedom you so greatly desire.

Just Copy and Paste A Single Line of Code And You’re Done In Minutes! 

Can you do all of this without ADA Comply? Sure. But I wouldn't recommend it. Because you will have to go through TONS AND TONS of tedious tasks HOPING that you’ll get everything compliant on your site.

And even if you take care of current items on your site, what about all the other pages, files, videos, audio files, and more that are lurking in the dark recesses of your server that you’ve forgotten about?

To try and sort through each and every one of these items, making sure they are ADA compliant could take you days or even weeks!

But with ADA Comply, you only need to copy and paste a single line of code to your website and the software platform takes care of everything else.

Instead of spending weeks trying to do this yourself, (not to mention the time wasted you could be spending on growing your revenue) you could be done in only minutes!

ADA Comply Is 100% Cloud Based So There’s Nothing To Install.  

You won’t ever have to worry about downloading or installing anything on your computer or your mobile device. ADA Comply runs in the cloud so this way you know it will work every single time.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re on a Mac, PC, or Chromebook. Just log in, follow a few instructions and you’re golden.

Here’s How ADA Comply Works…

STEP 1:  Add a new website to your ADA Compliant dashboard 

with the web URL address Click to copy the code to your website

STEP 2: Click to copy the code to your website

STEP 3: Paste the code in your website’s footer.

No Technical Expertise Needed!

Even if you have the technical skills of a turtle, you can still use ADA Comply. I’ve designed the software so there’s literally no learning curve involved. It really is as simple as copying and pasting the single line of code that the software gives you and let ADA Comply do its magic.

But even if you get stuck, I’ll have the training to show you how to do it quickly and easily!

       check out the product now

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