AdvertSuite is the first and largest software of it’s kind to ensure you run FB ads that make you money right out the gate– it’s that simple.


AdvertSuite is the first and largest software of it’s kind
to ensure you run FB ads that make you money right
out the gate– it’s that simple.

Allowing YOU to profit BIG without spending
ANY money testing ads that don’t work.


                             1, TARGET AUDIENCE      

 Enter Your Target audience Filters

(Age, Audience, Keywords, competitors)


View Active & Past Campaigns, Landing pages & Results from Any Advertiser online

      3,  COPY & IMPLEMENT

Copy & Implement The ads that work so you don’t waste money on ads that don’t!

  Why FB Ads & AdvertSuite

AdvertSuite is the first and largest software of it’s kind 

to ensure you run FB ads that make you money right out

the gate– it’s that simple.
Facebook, the world's largest social network with 

the leading online traffic generation method, FB Ads.

57% of FB users say FB ads influence their shopping      

78%  of American consumers say they've 

discovered products from FB ads.       

  28% Of users have made a purchase from a FB Ad.

93% of Social Media Advertisers Use FB Ads.

It’s clear that most business makes their 

most money online through FB ads, however, 

found that many users (especially beginners) faced some key problems.   


MY NUMBER 1 Recommendation of graphics and image designing software. to 

grow your business.mediacloudPro


2, HOW DO I CREATE AN AD That is a 

winner vs Wasting money on ads that don't work?

3, what types of ad I do? video, image, sidebar?

4, how do I monetize a FB ad?

5, how do I know what 

audience interests and countries to target?

These were some of the key concerns I found 

from my current audience, so I said to myself

 what if there was a way that I could 

go out, see the winning ads in any

 niche, audience targeting this ad, the growth

 of the ad and also the FINAL page the ad is 




Start Creating WINNING Ads instantly by finding replicating

 what currently works on the #1 way to make money with FB 




                    allows you to:

1, See all currently live and past FB ads that  

are WINNERS in any niche

2, See some of their targeting countries, 

group, age, marital status etc...

3, See EXACLTY where the ad traffic of

the winners are being sent off

4, Replicate the winners for my business

➧ It doesn’t matter what niche you are in,

Advertsuite helps you bank big, FAST by 

1. Remove The

Guesswork Of FB Ads

Advertsuite shows you exactly what ads are working 

NOW (and what are NOT) so you don’t waste money on ads that don’t

 work - Search for KEYWORDS, Niches, Competitors and 

even domains to see what ads are running & more importantly 


2.  Generate Buyer Traffic

   Today With Ads

Remove the need to test, change, edit ads by allowing Advertsuite to 

SHOW you the best performing ads in your niche

3.  Competitor


  Advertsuite will show you ANY competitors running  

 ads along with their landing page in 1 dashboard so you can see what 
works and replicate.

  4, Worlds Largest FB
      Ads Database

Advertsuite gives you the world's largest Fb ads library to search

with over 5 million ads from 15 different countries with

thousands of new ads added daily.

   5, Demographic &

     Engagement Filters

These allow you to search ads based on gender, age, marital 

status & location along with searching most likes, comments or

shares to see what users are engaging with the

     6,Geo location filters

Hate not knowing which countries to target? Advertsuite breaks down

where any ad is being shown to allow you to better identify the 

audience you are targeting.

7, Video & Image

   Ad Integration
With video ads being a leading ad strategy, Advertsuite will show

you what video ads are working the best for YOUR niche in

TODAYS market.

                 CHECK IT NOW

8, Call To Action

     Based Sorting

Advertsuite will allow you to filter ads according to their call to action to

show you what is the right call to action for your campaign and 


9, Ad position


Ever wondered what ads perform better in the news feed vs side 

bar? Advertsuite solves this by showing you what currently is working

best in both.

10, Funnel


Advertsuite will not only show you the winning ADS but also allow you

to see the landing page the traffic is being sent to in 

dashboard - allowing you to replicate the winning funnels.

       Bank Instantly

    With Targeting Module

Advertsuite will show you where the ad is being shown to, the

 gender of the users, martial status, and even age 

groups allowing YOU to remove the key things you need to enter when setting up an FB ad.

        CHECK IT NOW

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