IM Checklist Volume 5 Video Marketing – Best Video Marketing Packages With Private Label Rights that Harness The Power Of Video To Generate Instant Free Traffic That’s 85 Times More Likely To Buy From You
IM Checklist Volume 5 Video Marketing is the best video marketing packages with private label rights that harness the power of video to generate instant free traffic that’s 85 times more likely to buy from you. Im checklist volume 5 pro is a developed product by Kevin Fahey & mark Laxton. They have to open the doors to their new volume of im checklist. The topic this time around is video marketing and just a few things to keep in mind. Kevin has generated millions online with video alone. Mark is a youtube marketing expert and can teach anyone at any level a massive amount when it comes to getting free viral traffic to your video. Everyone knows video is the hottest topic right now and has been for years. If you’re not leveraging the power of video marketing you are leaving a tonne of money on the table. Give it 8 months and Forbes predicts that 88% of content viewed online will be video. Thankfully Kevin Fahey & Mark Laxton who are video marketing experts have just released 20 step by step training guides/checklists that you can use to dominate video marketing from start to finish. They’ve also included private label rights with everything so you that you can use in any way you wish. Create your own products, sell them give them away, turn them into blogs post, the list goes on. Inside, you get access to the actual checklists that Kevin uses to run his 7 figure online business. This is a massive shortcut to success that makes it easy for anyone to copy what Kevin's doing in his 7 figure online business. This is the next best thing to having Kevin show you exactly how to get the best results online. These checklists come from over 10 years of online business experience, and you can get your hands on them today at a big discount. Read more about IM Checklist Volume 5

  • Do You Want To Create


But Don't Know Where To Start?

You want to deliver your message and provide value to millions of people. You know people will love what you have to share with them.

You want to really connect with your viewers and teach them everything you know so you can help them overcome problems or improve their skills.

You want to promote a product, business or services and you know that video is the best way to increase conversions and increase sales.



You're stuck trying to decide which equipment to use and how to set it all up to create professional videos that look and sound great.


You feel awkward being on camera and know you need to overcome the fear so you can enjoy creating videos and connecting with your audience.


You don't know how to get your videos ranking high on YouTube and seen by thousands of viewers who can't wait to buy from you.
Did You Know...

Just One Video Can Make A BIG Difference...

Here's an example of how Mark uses video to get FREE Traffic to one product that consistently increases sales.

  • Each checklist is available in PDF format for you to easily print off and use. 
  • You can also use the online version if you don’t want print
  • Includes spreadsheets and tools that make it easier than ever to get results.
  • Read more about IM Checklist Volume 5
The Main Features Of IM Checklist Volume 5 Video Marketing

  • 20 video marketing checklists that I personally use every day in my 7 figure online business
  • Each checklist is available in pdf format for you to easily print off and use.
  • You can also use the online version if you don’t want print
  • Includes spreadsheets and tools that make it easier than ever to get results.
  • Create simple videos and earn a passive income without even being on camera!
  • Captivate your audience with highly engaging videos that keep them hooked.
  • Boost your subscribers fast and get more video likes, comments, and shares.
  • Dominate search results in any niche and generate tons of free traffic to any offer
  • Build a huge email list of buyers who buy from you again and again.
  • Create high quality, professional and high-converting videos within minutes…
  • Private label rights (PLR) included

The Package Inside Of IM Checklist Volume 5 Video Marketing

Check List #1: Video AimsThe first thing you must do is figure out the reason you are creating a video. Too many people create and upload videos to sites like youtube without first thinking about what they would like to achieve.go through this list each time you plan on creating a new video to help you clarify the end result you want from your videos.

  • Checklist #2: Video types
    There are so many different types of videos that you can create ​that will help to keep your videos interesting and more engaging for your audience. If you’re ever stuck thinking about what type of videos to create, then take a look through this checklist and think about how you can repurpose content that you may already have to create some great new videos you can share with your followers or upload to your youtube channel.
  • Check List #3: Keyword Research
    If you’ve ever wondered why some videos rank higher in search results than others for specific search terms or you’ve wanted to improve the ranking of your own videos on sites like youtube so that you get more engagement, views and subscribers then you need to understand how important keyword research is prior to uploading your videos…
  • Check List #4: Recording Equipment 
    Using the right tool for the job can not only help improve the quality of your videos but it can also save you a lot of time and effort. One of the quickest ways to lose your viewers is if your videos have poor sound or visual quality so use this checklist to get your equipment set up the best it can be right from the start.
  • Check List #5: Smartphone Video
    It’s amazing now just how much you can do all on a smartphone. You can record high-quality videos, you can edit the videos, add effects, add music, create animation videos and share them with the world all whilst you’re on the go and just by using something that you carry around with you every day. Here are some points to remember as well as some great resources that you can get on your phone.
  • Check List #6: Prepare To Record 
    Preparation is key to producing great videos. From having all of your equipment set up​ and making checks through to knowing what you’re going to say, how your going to say it and even how you’ll look in each of your videos. ​use this checklist every time you’re about to record a single video or even a whole batch of videos…
  • Check List #7: Video TemplateOnce you have your main content recorded for your video, whether this is a talking head video in which you appear on screen or if you have recorded the audio version of your video script and you want to use it to create an animation or slideshow type video then it’s now time to put everything together. A good way to structure your video is to break it down into sections…
  • Check List #8: Video MonetisationThere are many different ways in which you can use your videos to generate an additional income or to help grow your business online. Most people ​have heard about people making money on youtube through ads but that requires a very large following whereas a lot more money can be made a lot quicker and easier and with little to no subscribers at all. Here are a number of different ways in which you can make money from creating videos…
  • Check List #9: Video Editing
    Once you have your video content created then it’s time to edit your video to make it as engaging and professional as you can. There’s a wide range of different free and paid online resources that can help you with this as well as video editing software. In this checklist, i’ll cover what you should think about when editing your videos and provide you with a number of different resources you can use to edit your videos as quickly and easily as possible.
  • Check List #10: Youtube Channel 
    Before you start uploading your videos to youtube you need to ask yourself a few questions. Taking the time to do this first will really pay off and lead to thousands of more subscribers and video views. If you want more subscribers, likes, comments, and people sharing your videos with their friends and followers you need to make sure it’s clear what your channel is about and ensure it’s set up and optimized ​for maximum results.
  • Check List #11: Youtube Video Upload
    If you want your videos to be found on youtube and show up in the search results then you need to make sure that you optimize your videos properly. Too many people upload videos without optimizing them and then wonder why they’re not getting many views. Follow the points ​in this checklist and you will find that you have far better results.
  • Check List #12: Youtube Playlist
    Whether you have a single channel or multiple channels, you need to structure it so that it’s easy for your viewers to find what they’re looking for. Creating playlists will not only help your viewers easily find relevant videos in your channels but they will also help with ranking your videos in youtube searches…
  • Check List #13: Youtube Connect And Engage
    The huge difference and massive benefit youtube has over other social media sites is that people really connect with you more, especially if you upload videos where you are on camera. They get to see you and get to know you a lot more than sites where you just post pictures and this builds that know, like and trust factor quicker than any others. Use this checklist to connect and engage with your perfect audience…
  • Check List #14: Video Traffic: Email
    A great way to drive a ton of engaged traffic to your videos is to email all the people on your email list.  After all, they all signed up to hear from you and if you’re providing value and go out of your way to creating a video that will help them they’ll love you for it and it’ll help build a connection with your list even more especially if they can see and hear you.
  • Check List #15: Video Traffic: Blog
    Embedding your videos on your blog or website is not only a great way to add content but it also helps with ranking your content in the search engines and gets more views to your videos, you can also add other content on your webpages such as opt-in forms, affiliate links, social media share buttons, comments section and much more…
  • Check List #16: Video Traffic: Facebook
    Facebook is one of the best places to get tons of viewers watching and sharing your videos. There are so many different ways to utilize Facebook ​ to get your videos in front of ​thousands of viewers who are exactly the right type of people to watch them and you can also retarget these people with ads or find other people just like them.
  • Check List #17: Video Traffic: Twitter
    Another great traffic source you can use to drive more views to your videos is to share your video link on twitter. Not only that but you can also find features within twitter that will get your videos seen by thousands of people in a very short time which leads to even more youtube video views and improved ranking…
  • Check List #18: Video Traffic: Pinterest
    Another great social media platform you can use to drive tons of free traffic to your videos, that you may not have thought of yet is Pinterest. Pinterest is generally used to share image posts but you can actually use it to images that drive traffic to your videos and you can even play videos right from within Pinterest itself!
  • Check List #19: Video Traffic: Instagram
    The problem with Instagram is that you’re only allowed one link in your bio and you’re only allowed to upload videos less than 60 seconds. However, in this checklist, I’ll share with you ​exactly how you can start driving tons of traffic to your videos from Instagram.
  • Check List #20: Live Videos
    One of the fastest and most effective ways to connect and build a relationship with your audience, gain authority in your niche and drive tons of traffic to anywhere you choose, is to do live videos on sites like Facebook and youtube. You can tell your story, provide value with helpful tutorials, promote products and much more. 
    Read more about IM Checklist Volume 5

  • Plus, I'm Checklist Volume 5 Comes With Full Private Label Rights [PLR] Included
    • [Yes] Can Be Offered As A Bonus For A Paid Product
    • [Yes] Can Edit, Add Graphics And Rebrand Anyway You Wish
    • [Yes] Can We Used To Create Video Training Courses
    • [Yes] Can Be Added To Paid Membership Sites
    • [Yes] Can Be Translated Into Other Languages
    • [Yes] Can Claim Full Authorship
    • [Yes] Can Be Used A Build Your Email List (Individual Sheets Only)
    • [Yes] Can Be Used A Blog Posts Or InfoGraphics (Individual Sheets Only)
    • [No] Claim Copyright
    • [No] Can sell Private Label Rights
    • [No] Can Sell Master Reseller Rights
    • [No] Can Be Used To Create An Ebook To Sell
    • [No] Can Be Resold As Checklists On Jvzoo Or Warrior Plus


  1. You’ll get your hands on the EXACT process docs and checklists that make me thousands of dollars each week (follow them and get the same results
  2. You can stop wasting your time trying to figure it all out on your own
  3.  You can stop wasting your time trying to figure it all out on your own
  4. This is the next best thing to having me sit down with you and show you how to make big money with social media
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